I am the one who have witchcraft in my family tree. Way back though. I have been researching it and I am pretty sure I'm adopted. I know it sounds silly but it's really weird. Well, it shows me as a normal child. There's nothing wrong with that family tree, but the dates seem strange, when my mother says she had me doesn't add up to what my dad says, he's always describes the day when I was born was a blizzard. It looks like he's getting carried on on this made up story. My mum's always really funny on my birthday. She walked out last year when they were singing happy birthday. Maybe she's upset for some reason because I'm adopted. Also, I look nothing like them, my mum has brown hair and blue eyes, and my dad has grey hair, is quite tanned with grey hair. They all have quite sharp features. I have a soft, heart shaped face. My eyes are different. Also, they have kind of admitted it too me, well, my dad kind of has, we had a long talk all night long, until about 3 o'clock in the morning. It broke into an argument, there was shouting, tears, violence. I'm really upset. My mum is really awkward and upset. We haven't had a proper conversation, no longer than one minute. She can't look me in the eye. My dad showed me these certificates when my mum was down in the south with my older sisther (well, probably not my sisther) he keep talking about this twin called Renee. He keeps whispering about it. He;s going on about stuff I am confused about. Then I find this strange... thing . A kind of peice of paper, sort of family tree like the one i'm finding out about. the fake one. This new family tree I've found, it's got a girl called Renne Groves on it, I've been to the registry office in London like the one I did one my other family tree, the parents are called Laura and Stuart. The head of the registry office Ellen Collis, says the twin has been adopted. His name is Peter that is my name. The lady asked me how I am involved in this family tree business and I just said I was finding out for a friend. But she looked really suspicious and I have to go through this security thing, I can't say too much because I am not really allowed to tell anyone, I can't tell my parents.. I scared. Everything's happening too quikly. I am adopted, I am too upset too confide in my parents and now the Adoption Agencies are getting involved in my sitiuation with the family tree. I am getting too involved. The people at the adoption agency have my file on everything, it's all confirmed. I've lied about my parents too the adoption agency and the offices. They've found out. My parents have been contacted. And I'm going too meet my real parents in October. They live in France in Dordogne... I am so confused but I need to drive forwards. I can't let this too ruin my life. Tell me what to do and what you think?