
I am traveling between Kuwait and bangalore. I have a waiting period of nine hours in Dubai.can i go out?

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I am traveling between Kuwait and bangalore.

I have a waiting period of nine hours in Dubai.

Can i go out of the airport for sight seeing...

should i pay anything in airport, whom should i approach in airport.

Note. I am travelling in Emirates airlines.

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  1. Yes you can go out and even visit a few of Dubai attractions.

  2. Since it is an international flight, you will not be permitted outside Dubai airport. Since you are traveling in Emirates, you will probably use a bus to get to the DXB airport after you land. Remember to get off the bus at the first stop which is for transit passengers. The second stop is for people who makes Dubai their final stay. Once you enter the airport you will go through a quick minute security screening and enter the gates. Dubai airport is very entertaining and I assure you will not get bored. The airport has a huge shopping center downstairs and all the gates upstairs. You will find it easy to stay engaged in Dubai airport.

      If you really wanted to get outside and see the beautiful city you have to have a longer time period between flights and the air port will give you accommodation to stay in.

      When i went through Dubai i had to stay 6 hours for my next flight. You might want to talk about that with your travel agent.

  3. If you leave the airport, you will have to use your passport/visa and fill out the immigration card so that you can go through customs.  Then you will have to go through security again to board your flight.

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