
I am traveling to Cinque Terre next week, should I book accomodations in advance or just wing it?

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Any reasonably priced suggestions?




  1. This time of year, just wing it.  When you get off the train,there will be locals there waiting to rent a room to you.  We rented a room for about $50 that had a view of the sea and a terrace.... Have fun!

  2. i usually book in advance for the first night or me time to suss things far the cheapest way to travel

  3. I would wing it at this time of year.  But you will have a wonderful time, it's a great place.  If you have not been before, do try the anchovies.  They are not at all salted, but prepared in lemon and caught fresh each day. they are wonderful.

    I stayed in Vernazza last time at Albergo Barbara, right in the main square.  It does mean climbing 3 flights of stairs, but it was a medium price and the people were great.

    Don't make the mistake I did on the way though..... I took a train from Pisa and got off at the station Le Spezia for the change of train.  Be aware there are two stations with that name, and the one you need to change trains is the second one, Le Spezia Central.

    I hope you have a wonderful time.  I love it there and can not wait to go back .


  4. you are way out of the season for that area so just wing it

  5. all the tourists are gone so you don't need to book in advance cinque terre is beautiful but deserted in winter time

  6. I would book - a very good website is

  7. Hi I'm writing from Italy, I think in this season is not a problem found accomodations in Cinque Terre, expecially during week.

    Remeber only that November 1st in Italy is holiday and that week, should be a bit concestioned.

    If you want to stay in a hostel, there is a good one in Manarola i link it here

    otherwise for B&B or hotels, you have many chances for every prices.

    Have a nice stay there!!

  8. Yes always better to be safe than sorry.  I have stayed at a place in Moneglia (just outside but easy ride on train) called Villa Edera

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