
I am traveling to Mexico and will go though Laredo and spend the night. Where are the safest hotels?

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I want safest for my family and my vehicle which will be full of a lot of stuff for my family in a camper shell. I would like it to be closest to the border as possible but am willing to stay out of the city if it is better. I would love to chat with someone about crossing the border too.




  1. I would advise you to stay in a different town  furthur north...then get an early start in the morning.  Sorry, I can't tell you any specific place. Where in the U.S. are you coming from and where in Mexico are you going?  I like crossing at Reynoso much better...and you could stay in McAllen.  Also.. I would advise you to get your  Mexican car permit at the nearest Mexican consulate BEFORE crossing the border.  The car permit office in Nuevo Laredo ( if you chose to cross there) is can take hours.  If I can help in any other way, please email me.  i just looked at your previous questions and see you are going to Queretero...just avoid the permitoffice in Nuevo Laredo if at all possible...and  get through the border area and outta there quickly.

  2. Figure on staying at least TWO days on the U.S. side because you will need at least one whole day to get all the paperwork, buy the Mexican insurance, pay the fees and post the bonds.  

    You can expect to pay about $1000 in fees for yourselves and your  vehicle by the time you have paid everything.  You will need to go to the crossover point the day before to take care of the paperwork.  AND be sure to take a copy of the title as well as having all the registration papers.  You won't get a Mexican travel permit without the proper paperwork.

    You DO know that Laredo is probably the worst border crossing you could chose, I suppose.  That is where many of the robberies and kidnappings happen and that first 100 miles below the border is more like the wild west  for robbers and thieves than it is like a civilized country.

    There is only one book that I know of for camping in Mexico... and it's private issue... I think the name is "CAMPGROUNDS OF MEXICO" and you can order it from any bookstore.  It is absolutely necessary to have one because it gives all the campgrounds, facilities, travel tips, information on all the border crossings and just about anything else.

    You will ALSO need a GOOD QUALITY highway map of Mexico.  I paid about $3 for mine and if you try to drive in Mexico without a good map you are just looking for disaster... the roads are poorly marked and, even with a good map, you can still miss a turnoff.

    Above all... Get the Guide Book... it's your lifeline.

  3. staybridge hotel in laredo, texas

  4. Motel 6

    Laredo tx

    If its too late to get the permit in advance.  Go across at 5 am and the "Fiscal" building is to the east not far but not easy to find.

    There are people that will direct and go with you for a good tip and its well worth it.

    I have , over the years, done this several times and you can avoid the horrific line ups that do occur

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