
I am traveling to Sydney and will miss MLB opening day. Is there somewhere there I can view games?

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I am traveling to Sydney and will miss MLB opening day. Is there somewhere there I can view games?




  1. find a sports bar. there are a couple around the Darling Harbour area in the City, which show heaps of sports and you should be able to catch it.

  2. Try and find a sports bar, they may have it on ESPN on pay tv (Foxtel), you might be able to ask one of the bar staff to put it on a TV for you.

    Other than that, you could find a sports betting agency (TAB - which show basically everything on small TV's.

    If you're staying in a hotel, that has a bar, you might be able to get it on there, by asking the bar staff.

    Baseball really isn't that popular in Australia, so you may have a hard time finding it. Some games are on ESPN, but not that many each week.

  3. I'm sure some of the bigger pubs and / or the casino there will have Foxtel (pay tv) with the game on.

  4. Just jump into any TAB... or a sports pub with a huge projector

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