
I am traveling with my 10 month old son on Southwest Airlines..?

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I heard that if there is an extra seat you can request it for your baby. I would like to do this as I have a carseat that is FAA approved. Is this correct? Has anyone done this?




  1. I just flew last month on Southwest with my newborn. She's 7 weeks now & was 3 weeks at the time. I called them & they said if you want to do that, it's just the same as buying another ticket. I didn't do that & held her on my lap.  

  2. If your child is under 2 years old you can either:

    a) notify the airline and obtain a Boarding Verification Document stating that you will be traveling with an infant who will ride on your lap; or

    b) contact the airline regarding reserving a seat at an Infant Fare rate.  This is basically a discounted rate for a regular seat so that your child can fly in their own FAA approved car seat.  I don't know what the rates are currently but you can expect to pay between 50-75% of a paying adult's fare.

    Either way you MUST have your child's birth certificate with you in order to check-in.  You have to check in at the terminal (unless you mail in paperwork and confirm your child's age and then create an online user account in their name several weeks ahead of time...).

    Once your child is 2 years old you are required pay Child's Fare (some airlines require 'full fare') and use an FAA approved car seat.

  3. Yes you can request it, but really it comes down to the people at the gate. My daughter travels better in her car seat even on the plane. The best thing to do it to "check-in" online 24 hours before your flight. That is the soonest you can do it and will give you the best possibility of getting on the plane early to grab that seat. SW loads people with "A" boarding passes first, then family boarding, then "B"...

    I also found that when I was traveling just me and my girl, I put her in her car seat, then strap the car seat to some luggage wheels. That helped me get them both through the airport and not have carry both.

    Good Luck!  

  4. well: it is very important with "Newborn & Baby yes of course that

    would be Answers Parenting & Pregnancy  says Absolutely

    Soutwest Airlines will accept your FAA approved Carseat

  5. check in early and go up to the gate.  ask the gate agent if there are any free seats for the car seat.  if there are, great.  if there aren't, you can get a gate-check tag and leave the car seat at the entrance to the plane.  gate checking is safer for your seat than checking it with the rest of your luggage, anyway.

    btw, i have never been asked to produce a birth certificate for either child and we are frequent fliers.  i think it would only matter if you were trying to fly a child who looked close to age 2 for free.

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