
I am travelling to Varadero Cuba the end of April 2008. What currency should I take with me. I am from Canada?

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I am travelling to Varadero Cuba the end of April 2008. What currency should I take with me. I am from Canada?




  1. Canadian dollars is the best you can take with you.

    Be sure to exchange you money only in banks and CADECA (official state exchange offices) ask for your receipt and check your money , as short giving happens frequently.

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  2. Take Canadian dollars or euros.  If you take US dls they will take aprox 20 tax when you cash them.  No problem with Canadian dlls. just cash some at the airport for basic expenses and the rest you can do it in any Varadero Hotel.

  3. Canadian dollars, USA in NOT A okay!  Here's a trick for you: change your money to CUC (Convertivable Pesos) at the varadero airport good rate.  Don't change money at the front desk of your hotel.  If you wanna change more money while you;re there and you got in to varadero (into town) goto the bank, there;s alway a long line up Cubans have first priority.  take a 1 peso bill and fold it in the palm of your hand, go to the door and go in shake the security gaurds hand giving him the peso and he'll let you right in! good trick works everytime.  Don't forget to bring your passport to the bank you need it to change money.

  4. when you get there you can tip in canadian dollars.

    but to buy stuff you will be using Convertable Pasos.

    make sure if you go to flee markets and such that they give you change back in convertable pasos not regular pasos.

    im not sure if you can exchange the money here in canada. we switched ours at the hotel.

    however it is cheaper to go to a bank because the hotel charges an arm and a leg for interest.

    ... note...

    make sure when you go to a bank that you bring your passport.

    we made that mistake and they would accept drivers license.

    .. oh and i didnt answer this before, but Canadian dollars (if you cant exchange to convertable pasos before)

  5. I used my Canadian Visa card to get money from the airport. Changed the cash back to Canadian at the airport before i left.

  6. Canadian dollars are just fine.  Upon arrival in Cuba you can change them into Convertible Pesos, CUC  at the airport or your resort.  See the site below for approximate exchange rate.  CUC have no value outside Cuba so use them up before you return home or keep the leftovers for your next visit.

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