
I am try to search for the recipe of Korean spicy tofu soup? does any one have the basic ingredient to it?

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I am try to search for the recipe of Korean spicy tofu soup? does any one have the basic ingredient to it?




  1. basic ingrediant is tofu

  2. Boil a pot of water (however much you want for the soup)

    add one spoonful of gochujang (korean pepper paste) for every gallon or so

    add three spoonfuls of korean bean paste (not red bean, i think its soy or will have a beige or mustardy color.

    then as it boils, you can add kimchi, any veggies or meat and salt if it needs it. add the tofu last because if it is cooked in there longer than about a minute or two, it will crumble and mix in the broth.

    btw this is a very basic recipy, you'll most likely find better recipes.

    try searching "kimchi chigeh"

  3. um not sure try and google it though

  4. You are actually describing "soondubu" chigae or soup.  If you google "soondubu" you'll get a lot of hits on different recipes.

    You WILL need:

    1.  tofu (soft or if possible soft silken)  -  not the firm

    2.  Korean hot pepper paste (gochujang)

    Additional  ingredients are up to you.  Most people use seafood to create the broth (clams, mussels, or shrimp).  Most grocery stores have frozen mixture of seafood.  Use about a 1/4 pound at a time.  You don't need that much because you'll add the tofu and vegetables later.  Some people substitute the seafood with thin slices of beef or pork, but that depends on what you like.

    Add chopped onion, zucchini, yellow squash or other vegetables you like.

    Might need a little sesame oil.

    Good luck!  Soondubu chigae is very good and really cheap to make.

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