
I am try to think of a rugby slogan for a womens rugby team called trent can anyone think of a gd slogan cheer

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we r a womens rugby team, our name is trent and we r trying to get a slogan for social tops if u have any idea please let us know




  1. how about

    " Anything Men can do . . . ."

    Ive seen some greast womens rugby players

    or " We b reak tackles, not nails "

    Im not trying to be sexist by those comments in any way, I think they show attitude and a passion for rugby

  2. ummm


  3. Trent, we're not bent.

    Just haven't come out of the closet yet.

    This post will last about five minutes. The PC will have my balls.

    But, had to be done.

    Hope you enjoy rugby enough to laugh at yourself and the fact that many men and women are still bemused and confused as to why women's rugby is seen by many as a sporting choice for L*****n women.

  4. We're trent, we're bent.

    We're q***r, but we've got no fear.

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