
I am trying REALLY hard to swich when i am wakboarding, help me...?

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i am right foot forward and every time i try to switch to left, i fall on my face, nd that hurts, so id rather not do it. any tips???




  1. At this stage of you abilities, you should attempt to get up and immediately get into your switch stance, have the driver slow you down just a little until you get comfortable riding with your left foot forward.  You may want to remove any removable fins to make the board easier for you to spin and less of a chance of catching an edge and face planting.  May I also suggest picking up and Indo Board or making one of your own.  I had been surfing for 25 years before I took up wakeboarding and the muscle memory just wasn't there for me to comfortably ride switch.  After buying the Indo Board balance trainer, I spend a lot of time on the  board balancing with my left foot being the dominant foot controlling my balance.  Within a week I was able to switch my stance comfortably.  If you are not stable riding switch, doing 180's etc are not going to help you ride out of it.  Now everytime I go out, I start off my first session carving in and out about three time on one side of the wake, switch my stance, carve in and out about three times, and repeat three times or so on each side of the wake.  I use this time as both my warmup run as well as perfecting my surface switching.  Before you know it you will be comfortable riding switch.  Trust me, old habits die hard, you will want to work on this now rather than later.  The longer you wait, the harder it will become.  Also, check out 'The Book' wakeboarding instructional DVD series.  Disc 2 contains Basic Foundations, including riding switch, proper edging techniques, etc.  Worth the money.  Good luck and keep at it, it will come.

  2. surface 180-  lean in a bit to the heel side, kick your left (rear) foot out so the board is traveling sideways. at that point shift your weight to your new -to-be back foot (right) then immediately shift weight centered.

    air 180 -if you can get up switch do it. get heel side air and simply turn your hips. push handle down and pull it toward the original back hip.

    wake slide- I like going toe side to approach the wake. come up the wake and as soon as the board is 1/3 over the wake do the move for the surface 180. the board should be on a pivot point. keep wight to heel side once the move is started so you don't do a face digger.

    Ollie 180- i prefer to be to the right of the boat (I'm goofy footed also) as you pull then glide out beside the boat push down on your back foot. do little hops til you get used to the force of the water moving you. just do it. rotate your lower body 18- degrees. with Air 180's it's about moving your hips. with surface 180's its all about weight shifting and balance.

    try getting up switch and learn to ride that way. I am pleased to say most can't tell when I'm riding switch or regular these days. it just takes practice..and my set can go longer cause when I ride switch it gives me a chance to rest!

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