
I am trying my hardest to lose weight and i don't know what to do for lunch out??

by  |  earlier

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There is no way I can pack a lunch. My schedule is soo hectic that I never know when I'll have the time




  1. I can tell you'd rather not pack a lunch. Like me you probably go to lunch with co-workers.  I have found these days it's easier if you really study the choices on the menu.  You can eat a great grilled chkn sal. at most places.  Turkey sandwiches, baked potatoes just to name a couple.  Purchase a burger if you want one & when you get it take the bigger top half of the bun off.  Just smile at your buddies & say counting calories.... :)

    I've also gotten in the habit of asking for lite dressings, or fat free.  I also try to drink water or here in the South unsweetened ice tea instead of the Dr.Pepper I Love.  Hope this helps,I know it's harder away from the ol home.


  2. Get a salad with meat and cheese.Emmmm and skip the croutons.Now Oil and vinegar no creamy dressing.Low carb really works Read Eat Fat and Lose Fat. It's a good one!Nourishing Traditions is good to.The books on this topic abound and I am sure there are many others as good and maybe better but above all remember this .Fat does NOT make you fat,sugar makes you fat.Finding out where the sugar is is the key.

  3. If you want to be truly successful at weightloss and keeping it of then you need to encompass planning as a part of your new lifestyle.  Make the time, this is your body and life you are talking about, that is important.  Break the habits of not planning ahead to take a lunch with you, that is one of the biggest contributors to failing at weightloss.  If you have access to a fridge at work, then take time when you shop to pick up healthy foods and make a point of taking the time to take a healthy lunch with you.  You can set time aside on a weekend day to sort out and pack up snacks that you can grab easily on your way out of the house.  The life of convenience one of the big contributing factors in the US to people being overweight.  Again, it is a real lifestyle change.  In the occasions where you absolutely can not take a lunch with you, Subway provides healthy options.  You should plan ahead no matter where you go so that you are aware of the food's hidden contents.  When it really comes down to it, if your life is so busy that you can't plan for yourself you need to re-evaluate your entire lifestyle, that could be why you are needing to lose weight now, making healthy lifestyle changes will get you out of the vicious dieting cycle.

  4. Salad and fruit are the easiest things to pack. You just have to get up earlier. Before you know it  will be automatic.

  5. You might try exercising; crunches, push-ups, squat-thrusts and any thing else you can think of.

  6. It takes 5 minutes to make a very healthy bento style lunch (it also uses up your leftovers) and it can be done the evening before.  You can google around if that's an option you'd be interested in.  I guarantee you have 5 minutes a day and a couple gladware containers laying around ;).

    However, I don't blame you if you simply don't want to pack a lunch that's a-okay.  Try Subway or Quiznos' lower cal options.  Low fat soups and a small sub can be very satisfying and lean.  Make sure to hold the cheese and oil, get meat and veggies only, and always on wheat.

  7. Hi,

    How are you?

    you can solve this problem by doing some sandwich in the morning at your home like cheese and eat gum but without suger.

    and good luck,

  8. Both Quizno's and Subway now have "baby subs", so you could have one of those. A Small Wendy's Chili is low in calories, and filling.

  9. how about packing lunch the night before ?salads / salad wraps might be ok, but  to realy be in control u need to take ur own .

  10. Im not trying to be rude...but if you have time to get on here and post a question, then you have time to make a lunch (even the night before.) If not, eat a salad out some place with a glass of water instead of soda.

  11. you could spare 5 minutes in the evening before bed to put a (premixed salad) in a tupperware bowl and a slice of turkey cutup and shredded cheese....or ifyour office has a refrigerator for employees you could keep a bowl, fork and salad dressing at the workplace and spare 10 minutes sometime during the week to pick up some pre cut salad mixes from the produce isle. Then all you have to do is bring the bag to work that day or keep a bag handy at work and nothing to mix.

  12. Mickey D's works for me, and I exercise and am really active.

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