
I am trying out for a select vball club in Nov. I really want to get my hands on a ball but I just finished my

by Guest65545  |  earlier

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lessons with my coach. And I really want to make this team and I feel like my ability is slipping away from me because of that. What should I do?




  1. Look 4 a gym to play at. Or play for ur school. have some one play with u or toss to u so u can practice ur passing. if u hit practice ur approach. Left, right, left, jump and hit. if u set, practice that. Just get ur hands on a ball, with yourself or a partner. JUST PRACTICE! Try ur best and good luck!

  2. Find a gym in your area, and go to practice. There are always open gyms that you can go to (YMCA, or fitness clubs). You can also find a friend that likes volleyball to practice with you. If you have a friend do it with you, it's more fun and you're practicing your skills! I have volleyball tryouts on Monday, and  these things have really helped me. Good luck!

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