
I am trying out for volleyaball in about one month.?

by  |  earlier

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i am new to volleyball, so i need the rules and basics. also, how can i prepare? i have to try-out in about a month, so i would really appreciate it. thank you!




  1. rule #1 when the ball comes to you hit it over the net #2 when the ball hits the ground its a point for the opposite sides team.#3 you  haft to stand out of bounds serve #4 you haft to rotate your team around

  2. Go to your local Library and get a book on it

  3. Since you are new to volleyball buy a book or dvd to learn the various techniques. Also, practice and play as much as you can on your day offs. Finally, hustle, hustle, hustle and anticipate, don't stop your feet from moving.

    Coaches look for great players but if you have energy like the energizer bunny and give it all you got you will get picked.

    Good luck.

  4. if u stil can, join a camp, start running a mile and not stopping, if u have an endurance run, it will prepare u, also work rly hard on sets and serves! teams need setters and serves wil either make u or brake u, make sure to stay low on bumps and sets, they give u more control. start with under hand serves, taking a step before hitting the ball, its better to make all underhand serves then make 5 overhand serves! so listen to the coaches, hustle and call the ball, dont be afraid to be loud, hope i helped, with more questions, talk to me on yahoo messenger or something! good luck to u, and i have tryouts in 20 days, so update me on ur experience!

    OHH and pass the ball, u get three htis to a side so pass in set it for a spike or bump to a setter, the main goal for a side is to achieve a bump, then a set, then a spike

  5. Try to spell it right, then we can start getting to the more complicated stuff.......

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