
I am trying out for vollyball for my high school. What are some tips for me at tryouts?

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I am trying out for vollyball for my high school. What are some tips for me at tryouts?




  1. Respect the other team´s athletes.

    When you block a ball, turn around and celebrate with your teammates.

    Don´t play them, play yourself.

    If you only play to win, you limit yourself. You can do better! Play every ball as if it was the most important play of the game.

    Don´t watch the other players to see what they´re doing. Don´t worry about the score. Play your very best, every play, and the rest will take care of itself.

    Celebrating together builds enthusiasm and confidence.

    Playing against yourself builds skill and sportsmanship.


    Do your best

    Give It all you've got

    Good Luck!

  2. The most important aspect of a player a coach looks at during tryouts is their attitude and what they can bring to the team...they can coach/teach you volleyball IF you have a positive attitude always give 100% especially when others start to slack off I know this sounds pretty basic but it is definitely the most important!

  3. first off, being able to overhand serve is pretty important

    you need to show a lot of energy the WHOLE time

    even if youre about to collapse, dont show that youre tired

    always stay positive no matter WHAT

    be SUPER nice to EVERYONE there

    if you do all that, you should already be a step up

  4. i am doing the same thing next year, so i'd like to see some of these answers!

  5. As someone who used to be married to a high school volleyball coach, the one thing I heard him usually complain about are the girls who didn't take their practices or teammates seriously.

    Everything can be taught and worked on with practice. However, if you don't show that you're a team player and work well with others and have some spirit, I think that will be your biggest downfall because that's more of a character thing.

  6. at my high school tryouts, the coaches looked for people who worked hard, played good, always positive and were coachable. try to be open to their suggestions, but stick to the basics you already know. if tell you to do something their way, tell them "okay, i'll try it." don't be rude, and let them coach you. stay positive, don't worry how your friends are playing. if you get down on them, you get down on yourself. play like it is your biggest match ever. don't goof off either. the one time the coach may look at you, you may be goofing off, and if they don't see you again, they will think that that is all you do. good luck.

  7. work hard, being postive, coacable, acting as a leader, etc.

    there's time to improve during the season, just give a good first impression on the coach

  8. OK first off have confidence in yourself!!! Always give 110% on the court, be supportive of your team, and be loud for your team!!! Ex: Talking like cover, cover, cover!!! Ex of supporting your team: Good job guys, It's alright you got it!!! Hustle to every drill, and after your ball!!! Have a smile on your face when times in the tryouts get tough, and have that hard worker attitude!!! That is as much as I can give you!! Try hard, have fun, and good luck!!!

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