
I am trying to book a hotel and was trying to figure out if i have to be 21 or not cause im only 18.?

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I am trying to book a hotel and was trying to figure out if i have to be 21 or not cause im only 18.?




  1. 18 and you get a room as long as you have a credit card and ID.  The credit card is just in case you steal or damage something they can charge you for it.... Some places take cash but those are the places that don't wash their sheets..

  2. to be sure.. i would call he hotel and ask but i think 18

  3. you have to be 18

  4. Depends on if there are any minors in the room with you.  My daughter was 18 when she went to visit her fiancee and go to the Marine Ball.  Because you have to be 25 to rent a car and he did not have one there on base the only thing I could rent for her was a moving truck.  It sucked for them but that's life.

  5. I think it depends on the hotel.  When I was 18 my friends and I booked hotel rooms for the holidays.  My friends went a day earlier with no problems.  When My boyfriend and I arrived, they refused and said we had to be 21.  I said to them that My friends were already here and they weren't 21... they kicked my friends out!  Even though it was their own mistake.  How rude.

    But we were able to get rooms at another hotel in the area no problem.

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