
I am trying to call lima peru and have a number that has 12 digits after the 51 starting with 0 any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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any how it seems that i have 4 extra but the oyher party claims it is good , help!




  1. That is right.  the 051 is the country code.  

    It's a big world out there and lots of people have phone numbers.


  2. Is it a movistar cell phone? Movistar just renumbered the cell phones in April. Below is the site to get new number if you have original number.

    I might be wrong but it sounds as if someone gave you the number for someone else to call from within the country as long distance is 0-1-etc

    If you are calling from the US or other country, dial you international call code....011(from the US) - 51 (peru country code) - 1 (Lima) - xxxxxxx or whatever. The cell phones went to adding an extra 9 and removing part of the other number.

    If it is a house phone, you would just dial normal...001-51-1-xxxxxx.

    If it is movistar, go to the website and enter the x*x-xxxx and Lima and they will give you the converted number. Then good luck. I have been trying to call my wife's cell in Peru and get a message that it is not registered. I have to call the house phone.

    hope that helps

  3. OK. If you're trying to call from the US, you should dial: 011 for international calls then 51 for Peru and 1 for Lima, so 011511 would get you a call to Lima, Peru. The next number SHOULD NOT be a 0. it should be a 9 if it is a cell phone or any other number if it is a fixed line, bit not a 0. If you are calling a cell phone, the number will have 9 digits, starting with a 9. If ity is a fixed line, the number will have 7 digits.

    The 0 you're getting after the 51 is wrong. you only dial a 0 before the 1 for Lima when you're doing a call from inside Peru, but from outside Lima, so scrap the 0.

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