
I am trying to conceive and my temps are crazy.?

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My temps just go up and down. I have long cycles and I can't really figure out when I ovulate. I am on day 30 now.




  1. It sounds like you are having an anovulatory cycle. Usually if your temps are erratic (going up and down, with no pattern) and you have long cycles it's a pretty good sign you are NOT ovulating. I suffer from the same thing. I had many, many erratic charts that I didn't Ovulate. If this has been going on for awhile now, you should go see a fertility specialist. If you are not Ovulating at all and you can bring them charts to show them, then they will normaly help you right away and not make you wait the 12 months. Cause you can try all you want and you won't get pregnant if you aren't Ovulate!!

    After only 5 months of trying, (though I hadn't Ovulated in about a year) I saw an RE and he put me on clomid. Not only did I Ovulate my first cycle on it but I am now 5 weeks pregnant, due April 1st!. So it worked great for me and I don't Ovulate on my own at all.

    I hope that helped answer your question. I wish you the best!! Fill free to ask me anything you need to about anovulatory cycles, I know way to much about them!

  2. If your temps don't follow any particular pattern and your cycles are long, this is an indication that you are not ovulating at all.  I would recommend seeing a doctor and take your charts with you to help him/her make a diagnosis.

  3. Check out the chart gallery at this website. You can see other charts that look like yours and it helps to chart ovulation. Also, you can use the website for free to chart your own and it tells you when you ovulate. Good luck!

  4. I am on cycle day 35.  I am just like you!!  Look at my chart.....   It does NOT mean that you are not ovulating.  I have been through many tests and my dr has checked and yes I do ovulate.  However you will not be like average people that ovulate every 10-14 days after AF.  It may come early or later depending on you cycle.  What I have had to do is buy alot of OPK sticks to test for ovulation.  It is costly but we really want a second child.  I found this site where I can buy 100 for $34.  Well I hope I have helped you.  Lots of luck and baby dust to you!!!

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