
I am trying to decide between joining the air force or the army, does any one have any advice? which

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branch is better. i had always wanted to join the air force but i started looking at the benefits for example the army is the only branch that offers a guaranteed job, and now i cant decide, any help will be greatly appreciated.




  1. i heard the AF has the best benefits and is the best out of all the branches, especially if you dont want to get killed

  2. The Army will give you a much bigger bonus up front. As an Air Force recruiter I will not argue that point. The Army will tell you that you have a better chance of booking your number one job than in the Air Force. I will concede that too. What the Army will not tell you is that you are only promised training in that job. If your unit deploys and there is no slot for your MOS where your are deployed then you will find yourself doing something else for 15 months.

    I'll put it this way, it's not even lunch time and I've already taken two calls from prior-service Army folks that want to switch over. I wish I could take them, I would only need to work about two days a week. The Army or National Guard Recruiters next door to me have never taken an current regular, reserve, or guard airman and transfered them using the blue to green program. That should tell you something there.

    Bottom line-If you are only planning doing a couple years and getting out, you just have decide do want to take the up front money or the better quality of life over those four years.  If you have an plans on making it a career I would go Air Force. Good Luck!

  3. It depends on your personality.  The Air Force is more technically oriented (more thinkers) while the Army is more action oriented (more doers); this is because of their very different roles.

    The Air Force is a very technical service while the Army is basically Avon (going door-to-door and kicking it in...)

    Find a specialty in either branch that fits your personality and join that branch.

    I want to thank you for your willingness to serve.  Welcome and I hope to meet you on the field of honor.  

    From and Army Grunt (Infantry)

  4. I spent 20 years in the army and made numeruos moves. My next door neighbor has lived next to me for 16 years and she has been stationed at Eglin AFB for all those years. So there are some some minuses and pluses. Best of luck to you.

  5. The Air Force offers guaranteed jobs, the benefits are the same. I enjoyed my time in the Air Force.

  6. army basic is easier, they stopped yelling so much lmao, so unless you want a combat mos in the army, join the air force

    everyone is nervous or scared its perfectly normal

  7. yea, id like to know as well. The whole money thing with the army looks nice, but then again the air force treats you well.

    Remember though, if you DEP (delayed entry program) in you get the job of your choice.  

  8. Try applying to one of the academies first (i.e. West Point), you're still in the army, but you go to college for free.  

  9. Well, the Air-force has the best jobs both in service, and after service jobs. The Army is easier to get into though.

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