
I am trying to do a project for school, and i cant find any good info. about mentally hadicapped kids. HELP!!!

by  |  earlier

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it is extremely important that i find good information about this. i have looked everywhere and still haven't found any useable information




  1. Try people first language, Children With Mental Retardation, or be more broad in your search, Children with Cognitive Impairment, Cognitive Challenges, Developmental Delay. . .

    handicapped kids is a dated term and not so politically correct, so reliable sources probably wouldn't use the term.

    Check out

  2. Try the Special Olympics, and do your search under "special needs children".  Look for any website that ends in ORG as they tend to be a little more reliable.  It also may help if you narrow your topic, because mentally handicapped kids can range from an IQ of about 50-75, which is a LOT of ground.

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