
I am trying to do a real 360 on mu 1100 yamaha triple and I can get past 180 but I just watch the nose sink.?

by  |  earlier

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How do I get it the rest of the way around? I have tried all the trim in the world even keeping my finger on it and manipulating it free hand. The nose always settles down into the water after Im going backwards. Did you know you can ride for a good 6 feet back if you lean way back and are going fast enough. I call it moon walking. That brings up another question how do I get the water out of my engine. I swamped it yesterday.




  1. jacl take the plugs out...turn off the gas supply and spin it over for around 30 secs, install new plugs   should fire back with the other question, somethings be learned on your own, can't teach you all the tricks lol...later bud

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