
I am trying to explain to my pre-school (2-3yrs) group about Milk and Cows getting milked?

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My pre-school group are aged between 2 to 3 yrs, we are learning about food and I'm looking for a film of cows getting milked, the milk then getting processed, bottled and taken to the shops etc it must be short and easy for them to understand . I've checked the come outside BBC schools but nothing. Any ideas would be great.




  1. if i does nt need to be a film....why don't u go on line and download pictures of it ...u could proberly get it step by step...ud need to jazz it up but I'm sure that wont be hard...also have u tried ur local library it might have some DVDs.... or if Ur desperate tried tube.. although ud definitely need to censer it

  2. When we were learning about cows we did the following:

    -read stories both factual and fictional

    -we had the farm set up with just cows and called it "the Dairy"...the adults who sat at activity spoke a lot and pointed to the udders and things. We had mini buckets (thimbles) and got the play farmers to pretend to milk the cows as part of small world role play. Seemed to work as the children understood it as best they can without actually seeing it!

    If you want to show the process why not do a roleplay? have a dairy and some pretend cows-maybe you cna make a big craft one, then pretend that its being milked and children can see milk OUT of a bottle, then give kids a funnel and then can funnel it in a bottle like they would at a factory and then the kids can set up a 'farm shop' for snack time where they can 'buy' the milk alongside their usual fruit and biscuits?

  3. On the Discovery Channel they have a show called "How it's Made"


    It's not in "child lingo" per say, but you could easily talk about it and make it simpler in a discussion.

    Here it is on line, but you could order it from the Discovery Channel.

    ALSO, there is a Canadian Mini Series called "This is Daniel Cook"

    that is very short, easy to follow, and airs on Play House Disney Channel occasionally. You can order "This Is Daniel Cook Learning to Milk a Cow" at

  4. ya a farm would be the best place cause my teacher cause i was in agriculture in school and she got that from i think the school or ffa!

  5. Reading Rainbow "The Milk Makers"

  6. Depending on where you are, you might want to check the National Young Farmers association.

    One of the points in the constitution is about promotion and education of the countryside, farming and the lifestyle. You can get in touch with your closest club through

    I know my YF club have organised a few school visits to one of our members farms.

    Hope this helps

    p.s. another site you might want to visit is

  7. Simplify it. A video on the milking process really isn't feasible for pre-school. Use pictures, puppets etc. and explain it yourself. A friend of mine did a lesson in which he used a rubber glove with pinholes in the fingers. He filled it with milk and got the kids to 'milk' it into a bucket. A bit of fun at least!

  8. Good luck !! got an udder question LOL,

    No seriously why not get some latex gloves put some milk / or

    mix some water with white paint , one child holds the udders

    pretending to be the cow , whilst another milks after you have shown them how too ,

  9. go to your local library and ask them they can search it out for you and if your close to a dairy farm ask the farmer if you can video record him milking the cows for your class.

    if I still worked for a dairy farmer I would do  that for ya but its a bit late for that now .

    I do hope you find what you need

  10. i would think the school system would have research tools for just that.; microsoft encarta has a great abundance as well as the student software they carry.

  11. well... maybe u can make a video

  12. The best option for 2-3 year olds would be a movie. Although it is said to be true that many kids learn better on hands on activities. Because of safety measures for the little ones, I do not believe in this activity of milking a real cow. If you plan on doing this I hope you think about what they may be getting into now. Well, put it this way, a little rugrat pisses off a cow and the cow gets mad. The cow attacks the rugrat :D and the kid gets into a blood bath sitatuation. Trust me, you could find yourself sued for the rest of your life.


    blood bath. little kids dieing. ROFL.

    oh and is this really happens send me a video clip of this.


  13. Why not take them to an open farm or petting zoo that have cows?

  14. try - "How It's Made" - it was on last night; exactly what you're talking about

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