Ok here is the thing, I have known my friend for 4 years now, We met in school, a few months into our friendship I told him I was g*y, he was ok and told me he thought he was g*y at one point.. we slept in the same bed for a month and a half, he slept in just his underwear, sometimes he'd come into the room and take his pants off slowly, as if to tease me, He tried to get me to watch p**n with him, I was nervous cause I knew I liked him so I declined, and he started saying "your not g*y, cause if you were we would have done stuff by now" and he even made suggestions to buy g*y p**n to see if I was really g*y, then I had to tell him I like him, then he freaked and we stopped talking for several months, then he came back around, we have since slept in the same bed we are still very close, he makes remarks that seem to be hinting that he is g*y, he moves from girl to girl to girl, he even went as far as to tell me which way his "stuff" Curves, what he does when he orgasms..etc... he has recently rushed innto a marriage, after only knowing the girl 3 months... which she has already cheated on him, so that is coming to an end.... but what I want to know is.... Is my best friend g*y??? Does he have hidden feelings for me???? P.S. he is suposidly straight, and he is a "homophobe" yet his best friend (Me) is g*y