
I am trying to find a book about a hero on Sept 11th 2001?

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He was working at a big company in one of the towers and he was doing their security. He would make them run drills over and over for evacs. They hated the evac drills but on Sept 11th all of them except 11 employees escaped and they were a huge company. I'd like to read the book anyone know any info. Even the names of some of the larger companies there. Maybe I could find that way. thanks.




  1. If you want to know about another hero of 9/11, there is an article on under Bits and Pieces about a canine hero. This site has great articles because they are hand-picked from many resources.

  2. I believe the man you're looking to read about is Rick Rescorla who worked for Morgan Stanley Deane Witter. He worked in Tower Two (South Tower)... the first building to fall.

    If you still need the names of some of the larger companies in the WTC or other information regarding 9/11... send me an email and I will try to help.

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