
I am trying to find a place that will take civilians up in fighter jets. Not the type with propellers.?

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Somewhere possibly near the mid-west. But not neccesary. This is something I have always wanted to do. Thanks to anyone who can help me out.




  1. I'm with John B on this one. There are hundreds of privately owned fighter jets in the US. There is a T33 at my home airport.  There are L39s everywhere. You might contact someone at Mesa, Arizona airport. I did some training there and noticed a large number of Migs. Be prepared to pay big $.

  2. Since when has a fighter jet been installed with a propeller??

  3. Is Moscow too far west?

    Check this link

  4. For real.  |

  5. At the moment you will have to travel to either Russia, Australia or South Africa. These are the only countries that allow passenger fighter jet flights. They are not cheap. A flight in a Mig 25 is around $30,000 and one in a South African Buccaneer is close to$20,000. Australia is much cheaper but the aircraft is a Jet Provost, used for many years by the R.A.F (England) to train its fighter pilots. Hope this helps, and if you do it you will never, ever forget the experience.

  6. There are also some sites listed on that might sell you a ride in a MiG or T33 stateside.

  7. John & Double O are partially correct. Let me explain.

    Almost all jet fighters (not fighter jets) operated in the US are in the Experimental-Exhibition category. The operating rules for these jets, which are issued by the FAA, specifically prohibit "rides for hire". If you are a licensed pilot, you can pay for a "training flight" in a jet, but the rules are pretty specific. There may be some jets that are exceptions to this restriction, but I am not aware of any.

    We operate teams of L-39's and MiG-17's around the airshow circuit. We do provide rides to media an VIP's , but we can't charge for that. Even though I'd like to give a ride to anyone who asks, the cost is much too high. We do give free rides to the volunteers who help us maintain our jets.

  8. All wrong answers yet again. Chuck Thornton in Van Nuys will take you up in his T38. There' several throughout the country. Jeez folks. Quit guessing if you don't know the answer.

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