
I am trying to find somewher on here about doing something for cystic fibrosis.?

by  |  earlier

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i can find cf on here but not what im looking for. i just want to be able to do some little something for the other people that suffer with this desease,this is what my 29 yr. old son died from. i would like to be able to help others some how, in memory of my baby. thats what he wanted to do but never got a chance. any ideas?




  1. The CF Foundation has all kinds of things you can do.

    I am so sorry for your loss.  

  2. you can do a number of things: walk, sponsor a pool party, purchase CF appareal.  Here are some links to help you out:

    I have purchased from the cafepress and love my stuff.  A % goes to finding a cure.

  3. Your question is a reminder of the kindness that is real and still out there. Thank you for posting it and showing such compassion for others. I'm so sorry for the loss of your son you are doing something kind in his memory.

    Our son has CF and he recently received a wish from the Make A Wish Foundation. Seeing the smile and anticipation of receiving his wish is the most relevant thing that has been done for him. If it would be a good experience for you to work with the foundation as a contact with the families or helping grant wishes maybe you would find joy there also. The contacts from the foundation are so fun to be with and they seem to really enjoy doing the work with the foundation.

    You can always help with fund-raising for the cf foundation but make a wish really made his life more bearable when he heard he was granted a wish.  

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