
I am trying to find the right diagnosis for a disorder. Do you think that I should have testing done?

by Guest33135  |  earlier

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I was diagnosed with schizophrenia several years ago. I believed that it was a misdiagnosis. I recently went to a therapist, and she said that she could refer me to a psychologist that could give me a test to clarify between schizophrenia, major depression, or other disorders.

She said that it would cost about $300 for an appointment with the test. How helpful would this test be? It seems like the diagnostic criteria are so subjective that I am wondering even if I do get diagnosed with major depression or a different disorder, that I will really be able to know for certain that I was origionally misdiagnosed. There are a few parts of the diagnostic criteria that I don't completely understand and I was thinking that maybe it would be better for me to just schedule an appointment and have a psychologiest explain it to me. If I could know for sure that I was misdiagnosed, I would take the test, but I am just a college student, and I don't want to spend $300 if I won't be able to find out for sure. Thank you!




  1. Hi.  I meant to answer a while ago, but work got in the way.

    If you are at a major university with a well known psych clinic and psychiatrists, your school may be the best and cheapest place to go for an evaluation.  If you are at a community college, state school, or university with counseling services primarily for life transitions, ADD, ADHD, situational depression and so forth, you are much better off seeing a professional outside of your school.

    Before you see any psychologist or psychiatrist, find out her area of expertise and experience specifically with schizophrenia, and depession or bipolar psychosis.  There are other disorders that can include or seem like psychosis which is another reason to see the right expert.  Symptoms of many mental illlness can overlap disorders.  For you own piece of mind if not health, seeing someone to confirm or identify a misdiagnosis is well worth $300.  I have bipolar disorder but was misdiagnosed with depression for years.  Wrong meds and I paid dearly for the mistake.  If I'd been seen at different points, I imagine I could have been given a different misdiagnosis.  Treatment is what is important, not the label.  If I was you, I definitely would get tested.  Just remember that you remain yourself regardless of a label.  Whatever the outcome, don't let it stop you from achieving whatever you want to achieve!

  2. Hi Crissy,

    If you believe that you were misdiagnosed years ago, and the medical profession is offering you an alternative (referral to a psychologist, although it's always best to speak to a psychiatrist regarding mental health issues) to clarify your condition, I would spend the $300 and take the test. The reason is that no amount of money spent is worth more than your well being and peace of mind. If you are taking medication (which you should be) for schizophrenia and it is not the right kind of medication you need, then there could be more serious complications for you in the future. Improper medication for anyone with a diagnosis of a mental illness is serious business. You may be taking something that could alter or even damage a part of your brain that is already functioning normally. I recommend that you take the test and find out for sure. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, maybe even more. I hope everything works out for you. Best wishes.  

  3. You should be able to go to the college's counseling center. They should have a psychologist on staff. A psychologist does all the testing, you might want to talk to a psych professor and see if one of them is a clinical psychologist and ask them if they or somebody they know can do the testing at a cheaper rate. I'd check with the school's counseling center first. I went to the counseling center at my college to get testing done for free because my therapist and psychiatrist wouldn't do. Also, check with for a local mental health service, usually local.

    As for the misdiagnosis if you went to GP then I'd say there's a great possibility that you were misdiagnosed simply because some disorders have overlapping symptoms that need to be addressed by a mental health professional, ie a psychologist or psychiatrist.

    Either way, if you have a disorder it's treatable. Check with the school and see what they can do for you, you're paying for it so you might as well use it.  If your school doesn't have a counseling center may-be they have some sort of contract with a local mental health provider. Best of Luck.

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