
I am trying to find the web site for las vegas,nevada regional transit authority.?

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I am trying to find the web site for las vegas,nevada regional transit authority.?




  1. The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, or RTC, is a regional government agency which performs many transportation activities within the Southern Nevada community. The RTC was created in 1965 by state statute and in the 1980s, two significant designations were bestowed upon the RTC.

    In 1981, the agency was named the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Las Vegas Urban Area. This means that the RTC is responsible to state and federal governments for maintaining a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive (3-C) transportation planning process.

    And in 1983, state legislation enabled the agency to own and operate a public mass transit system, known today as Citizens Area Transit (CAT).

    The RTC performs the following functions:

    Oversees the federally mandated transportation planning process for the Southern Nevada Region

    Directs the expenditure of funds generated from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the Federal Highway Trust Fund, the County Option Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax for regional street and highway construction and county sales tax designated for transportation

    Ensures that transportation plans and programs conform to approved air quality standards

    Provides public mass transportation within Southern Nevada

    Administers the region’s trip reduction program, Club Ride

    Commuter Services

    The transportation planning process, project development and commuter services are carried out with input and recommendations from concerned residents throughout Southern Nevada.

  2. search for it

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