
I am trying to find ways for my 5 yr old to sleep in her own bed. She is upstairs and we are down. Any ideas?

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We moved into our house 2 years ago and we haven't been able to get her sleep upstairs unless I am with her. Our bed is running out of room. Any help?




  1. Mam ,donot worry much as this is generally every childs problem.

    You must appreciate her because she is showing intense love and

    affection towards you. So kindly donot neglect her but try to  encourage her by speaking to her softly. Give her the best food she

    likes and some of her good books that she likes to read. Anything

    she likes to play with or to watch any  of her favourite channels may be

    given preferance  before making her sleep. I believe your child will

    definetly sleep  by herself without your intervention.  

  2. The reason a child wants to sleep with their parents is often because they don't feel safe in their own beds. The anxiety of moving into a new house and having her own room, has caused your daughter some anxiety.

    Be firm. Once you have decided that she can no longer sleep with you, do not EVER let her back in your bed overnight. If you do, she will get mixed messages and won't know where she stands.

    Give her a bottle of "monster spray" (water) that she can use if she is afraid of the dark.

    Give her a flashlight to play with at night so she won't be afraid.

    Set up a tape player in her room and play her favorite tape while she falls asleep.

    Give her a nightlight and a stuffed animal to sleep with.

    I found several good sites including:

  3. Develop a routine - brush teeth, put on pajamas, read a story, tuck in, prayers....or whatever works for your family. The same routine every day will make it easier. Is she now starting kindergarten? You can tie it to her growing up now and being a girl who goes to big school. Look for children's books about this topic. Any good nighttime story can be embellished with these details. For one about farm animals going to sleep, look at pictures and talk about each one has its own place to sleep, etc.  

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