
I am trying to forgive my wife and save my marriage, but it seems I am doing all the work. any suggestionss?

by  |  earlier

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from my previous ?'s on my wife cheating on me.




  1. Marriage takes two people to make it work. Maybe you have done all you can and you can start divorce proceedings and be proud of all that you did and during all these tuff times you stood true to your vows.

  2. You will never be able to save your marriage...unless BOTH of you commit to repairing your marriage.....

  3. It takes two to make it change. If you're doing all the work, then you're just spinning your wheels. I wouldn't stay with a woman that cheated anyway...

  4. u weren't the one who cheated, she should be the one trying to work it out, don't be too giving after all she is the one who betrayed u, not the other way around.u need to confront her, and tell her what u expect to happen.

  5. I empathize with you so much! You may have to ask your counselor (and you should go to counseling if you have not already, even if she won't go) to help you create boundaries of what is and is not okay in your relationship. Both people have to give effort in marriage for it to survive.

    I wish you all the best.

  6. It takes 2 people giving 110% to make a marriage work.  If I was you I'd stop doing all the work.  If the marriage is not important enough to her to put forth any effort to save it, then it's time for you to move on.  She's the one who cheated, she should be bending over backwards to make things right with you.  

  7. She cheated. You are doing all the work. Kick her to the curb. Time to find someone who will love AND respect you.......

  8. i think if she's not trying than she really doesn't want to resolve the problems with you i think yous shuld have some time a part for a little while and think things through,

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