
I am trying to get back at someone who lives in germany. He was an a$hole to one of my friends. Any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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Do they have social security numbers? Or credit bureaus there? Or any other ideas?




  1. Let me are obviously an American because you are inquiring about Social Security numbers, something only Americans call them...

    Your friend was most likely offending the person from Germany. Exactly what did YOUR friend do to get into a situation in someone else's country?

    I've been to Germany, as well as other countries in Europe. The sad truth is anyone can walk into a public place, say a restaurant, with their eyes CLOSED and pick out 98% of the loud, boisterous, obnoxious, self-centered, egotistical American tourists. (no wonder we're not well received in many places).

    FYI, I am an American, and I fall into the "2% catagory" above. When I visit other countries, I leave my flag at home and abide by their laws and customs. Oh, and I do less talking and more listening.

    If you have their contact information, I suggest you kindly call this person and, in a polite and professional manner, get their side of the story before you have two people giving the US a bad reputation by making them think that ALL Americans are like you.

  2. They have soc.sec. # and credit bureaus also, but live them along. Not nice people is everywhere, don't worry so much.

  3. just  ignore  that a$$...

  4. Get his name and address, go to a p**n store get the nastiest raunchiest sicko magazine you can find, preferably g*y and subscribe to it with his name and address.

  5. Don't waste your energy on someone like that...if you just can't let him get away with that..perhaps you AND the friend he screwed over could c**p in box lined with plastic and  send it to him for xmas.Decorate the outside so that he thinks it's a gift! Do you know his email address if you do sign him up for everthing on the web  game sites, recipe sites, free stuff ,catalogs.  Find some  backpacker websites with mesage board and post his name and address  and phone number and say he rents rooms real cheap  to backpackers passing through make sure you say you stayed with him and it was GREAT!  here a message board to start with !

  6. Erm........................................ nope i got nothing.



  7. three things:

    1.- Forgive

    2.- Forget

    3.- Tell your friend that he is an a$$hole too

  8. just forgive him/her and move on........don't go down to thier level

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