
I am trying to get my daughter ready for 1st grade?

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I have seen in stores prep books to get my daughter ready for 1st grade, but are there any programs online that I can keep her doing throughout the summer and also for my other daughter going to Pre-K? Thanks to all that answer




  1. A child that young shouldn't spend time on a computer. That's been proven wrong and inefficient.

    The number one best predictar of having a child doing well in school is reading. Read, read, read. Take her for walks and talk to her. At her age all a children need is to be read and talked to. That will do more for her than anything else.

    Every hour a child spends in front of a computer, TV, or video game increases the chances of developing ADD by 10%.

    Best wishes.

  2. My daughters teacher told me the best things I could do for my daughter to prepare her for 1st grade....

    Was to make sure she could count to 100 through the summer (she learned to do this in Kindergarten) but to keep her skills up.

    Start basic math... adding and subtracting if we made it that far.

    Read, Read, Read... get her reading beginner books.

    Last but not least.... more practice writing when we could.

    My kids go to a site called, its got all learning games on it.

  3. Go with her. Tell her stories about when you went to school. Make it exciting for her. Also you can start with rewards. Ask me more?

  4. Ask your school what are the requirements the child has to know before entering 1st grade and pre k. Some schools have this, some don't.

  5. I would leave the prep books alone. I tried them for my kids, and we found it really hard to stick with it, when there were so many other fun things to do in the summertime. Besides, every school is different, and some of the things in those books might be either below your daughter's learning level or above it.

    I suggest taking them to the public library, where you can find books appropriate for both ages. This way you can help your first grader with her reading. And you can sit down and color with them in coloring books. For the one in Pre-K, this will help her learn colors and letters, if she has not already learned them.

  6. Best thing you can do for them is read to them and expose them to a lot of different things.  Keep them engaged and show them that learning can be fun.

  7. Since you asked about online games/programs, there are some neat learning games on a couple of these sights. You just have to click on the hyperlinks on the websites & search what you want. I believe these are all FREE.



    First Grade


  8. ok in pre k they learn cat,mat,sat no stress but try getting easy bigener books and read with her

    with 1st grade do daily spelling (cat,sat,mat,fat,tin,man,crab,sand,) easy words and get easy books and ak her too read to you

  9. Hooked on Phonics is an incrediable program!!!!  I highly recommend it.....doesn't have to be new - look on ebay!  You won't be disappointed!!!  My son's kindergarden teacher was HORRIBLE - more concerned about her engagement than her JOB - we bought the takes work from you as well, but well worth every cent! & minute of time!!!

  10. I highly recommend for pre-k and first graders.  In addition, we use the summer bridge books.  These are workbooks that are designed to be used over the summer to brush up on skills and get students ready for the next grade.  I like these books, but sometimes they're a little on the easy side, so I buy a grade up.  You can find them at Borders or amazon.

    I agree that reading in the best thing to prepare kids for school.  However, I think it's great to supplement with online activities or workbooks now and then....especially if your kid likes to do this kind of stuff.  I know mine loves them.

  11. You could buy her some first grade work books and computer games. Also maybe give her some math and spelling to do. Hope this helped!


  12. I am with you. My son just graduate kindergarten today and be going to first grade I am proud of him. I don't know if there anything online I haven't start looking yet. He got his own library card so he get book during the summer to continue to learn to read. he has to learn 75 words which they give me the list and I got them ona  flash card. I be writing some math problems in paper to get him started on that.

  13. Every summer I take my daughter to the library and sign up for a reading club.  For every book she reads she fills in a square. When she fills the page they give her a prize package. There are some nice prizes in there - stuff from the SF Giants, local law enforcement, free meals at local businesses, book bags, pencils, all kinds of stuff.  It keeps her engaged over the summer.

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