
I am trying to go Green. Any tips?

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Okay so I am trying to go "green" and help out my environment so does anyone have anytips on how I can do so?




  1. First and foremost, stop buying bottled water if you already haven't. Here are a few facts from the Pacific Institute:

    Americans bought over 30+ BILLION plastic water bottles in 2006 (latest available information).

    These 30+ BILLION plastic bottles required the equivalent of more than 17 million barrels of oil - enough to fuel over 1 million vehicles for a year.

    Manufacturing the 30+ BILLION plastic bottles produced more than 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide.

    Manufacturing 30+ BILLION plastic bottles used 3 the amount of water in the bottles.

    Adding in transportation, the energy used comes to over 50 million barrels of oil equivalent - enough to run 3 million vehicles for a year.

  2. I'm new too and in the past couple of weeks i've learned tons. If you can't do 100% organic, do what you use the most of. Things you do daily- shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, lotion, etc. Things you eat often/daily- milk, cheese, eggs, particular veggies/fruits, fav foods. Stuff you clean your house with- get rid of all that windex, cleanser wipes, scrubbin bubbles, etc. (Look into Shaklee and other alternatives that work just as well and that are so much better) This will cut down A LOT of the nasty disease inducing, cancer growing, life sucking (lol) chemicals and growth hormones. It won't be cheap to start but I think you'll find different ways to save once you do a little research. Grow your own stuff, buy local, sales, coupons, etc. Maybe buy those crazy reusable shopping bags (we're not there yet). We put a LOT of c**p into our bodies everyday and that doesn't even include stuff we absorb while we're out in public and breathing in polluted air.

  3. Quit bathing and join a commune

  4. Firstly I am so pleased you are trying to be more environmentally friendly. I think it is fantastic that more and more people are making an effort. I get really excited by questions like this, as I love to share what I know about being greener with others - sad I know!

    Secondly, I know that it can seen confusing trying to be greener with all the information we are bombarded with through the media and such but it really is quite simple once you get the hang of it.

    For example, ditch the plastic bags and opt for a more 'green' canvas or cotton bag, follow the link for my instructions on how to make your own:

    When doing your grocery shopping, look out for local organic produce. Buy products with packaging that is made from recycled products and that is recyclable.

    Get a compost bin, green cone (or kitchen composter if you don't have a garden,) to dispose of all your food waste.

    An obvious one is to recycle, but don't forget to buy products made from recycled materials and to also reuse things. Join a group like freecycle, where rather than sending unwanted items to the landfill, people offer them for free to others in their local area. It's a world wide scheme so there is bound to be one in your area, if not why not set one  up.

    Try leaving your car at home for shorter journeys. We only use the car at weekends, and sometimes not even then. I walk the half an hour to school every day to drop my son off  ( I walk for at least 2 hours everyday!) and my partner walks to work. It's great for toning your bum too!

    When washing your laundry, opt for soapnuts, I use them and they are great. They are natural and very cheap plus have the added bonus of being perfect for those with sensitve skin. Plus you can make hand soap and shampoo from them.

    And for cleaning your home, you don't need all those chemical based cleaners. Simple bicarbonated soda, lemon juice and white (distilled) vinegar work wonders. They are natural, safe to use round food, children and animals and cheap!

    As someone else said try to cut out your purchase of bottled water, they are terrible for the environment. Instead keep a glass bottle of water in your fridge, and carry a plastic bottle of tap water round with you.

    Other things you could do are to re-use water, for example use your dishwashing water to water the plants or to fill your toilet cistern, put on a jumper when its cold rather than the heating, close your curtains as it gets dark it keeps in the heat, open them in the morning and use the sunlight to warm your home. Put foil behind your radiators to deflest the heat into the room rather than to the ceiling when you do need them on.

    I'm sorry for the long winded reply, but I do hope that, even if only a little, I have been some help.

    Best of luck and bright blessings

  5. Here is an awesome website to go to:

    It has tons of tips and it tells you how to "green" anything that you can think of!

  6. change out some simple things in your home, bulbs, faucet aerators, shower heads ect.

    try this site.

    GREAT prices.

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