
I am trying to go vegitarian but i keep habing problems.?

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I dislike lettuce. I still like the flavor of meat. None of my family supports or even acknowledges I'm trying to go veg. I cant go a week without lapsing. I live in a state where everything including school food is fried and lettuce is one of those "fried" items. I have no one to support me.




  1. Hikaro, you keep asking the same sort of question.

    You don't need to eat lettuce. It's not particularly nutritious. There are hundreds of types of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains out there.

    Don't worry about "lapsing"; go veg at your own speed. There's no vegan police keeping score. Take it in your own time.

    For lunch, either bring a bagged lunch (like whole-wheat sandwiches, sliced veggies like cucumber, carrots, broccoli), or speak to whoever manages the cafeteria or the school principal about getting some healthy, vegetarian options. That might take some work.

    There are forums online for vegetarian teens. Try:

    There's other website that can give you plenty of info:

    You can also see if there's local vegetarian groups in your area, like EarthSave, so you can meet some like-minded people:

    Talk to your parents about your decision, ask if you can get them to buy additional fruits, vegetables, and protein sources like tofu or veggieburgers for you.

    Start learning to cook, as you'll be doing it for yourself for most of your life. Your parents will probably appreciate and respect that.

  2. Ummmmm....maybe vegetarian isn't right for you?!

    Just kidding...try shouting at your parents. "HEY GGUUUUUYYYYSSSS, I'M BECOMING VEGETARIAN WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    And then eat Tofu Hot-Dogs. They're tasty and nutritious. ;)


  3. eww fried salad

    anyways me 2

    i live with the same kinda famliy and it suxs big time but i can control myself cuz i watched the "meet yr meat "video and now when i look or smell meat i just want to cry it makes me so sick

    when ever u get the tempation 4 meat watch the video!

    hope i helped bye

  4. Ya, you dont have to eat lettuce just because youre a vegtarian.

    I am a vegetarian, but I really dont eat that well.  I think youre having a hard time because youre going from eating meat to trying to eat completely healthy AND meat free.  You can ease into being vegetarian by just cutting out meat, but not neccessarily going straight to the healthiest, non-fried foods.  Try eating rice and beans and quesadillas (if youre still eating cheese).  The rest of my family still eats meat, you just have to go shopping w/ your mom and pick what you want so you have it at the house to eat when they eat what they eat. Good luck!

  5. Why are you going vegetarian? If you miss meat that much, don't give it up completely. Just reduce your intake until you're okay with it. Then if you want to reduce again you can. Your diet is your own personal choice. If you want to eat meat you can. Good luck.

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