
I am trying to homeschool for free my 6-7 th grader what I have found is no answer keys to go with them?

by Guest66967  |  earlier

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I am trying to homeschool for free my 6-7 th grader what I have found is no answer keys to go with them?




  1. Your question is too broad for anyone to give you the specific help you need.  There are hundreds of cirriculums out there to pick from, and you didn't say what you were using.  Also, many homeschoolers pick up workbooks at book stores, even discount stores can have workbooks, as well as the typical teacher supply stores or online outlets.  Lots of times those workbooks picked up at retails stores are not connected to an extended cirriculum system.  Is that what you have - workbooks?  Are they part of a cirriculum program?  Who publishes it?  What's it called?

    Just as a side note, many homeschoolers do not use any cirriculum at all, as suggested by the previous poster, they study books of their own choice.

    Check the publisher of your whatever workbooks you're using to see who developed them, then go from there: update this question to list their names to see if anyone knows it.  

    I'd check ebay, teacher supply stores, local homeschool groups, or call/write the publisher.

    Good luck!

  2. I am homeschooled and have had this problem. Contact the people you get the order from and let them know you didn't get it.

  3. Well, you can't necessarily homeschool for free. Wheather you are a homeschooler or unschooler. Everything costs money. But, as far as curriculum goes its up to you how much you spend. You can purchase curriculum, or you can do your own. You can research info on the web and plan out what your child/children will learn. Also the local library usually has the public school books for you to check out. But, I would suggest just googleing a subject and grade and go from there. There are tons of great websites to choose from.

  4. I don't understand the question.  Are you wanting to do worksheets only?  Some kids can learn that way but most need a little more interaction.   Choose your subject and narrow it down.   Then get books and read.  While you are reading you will have questions.  Take those questions to the google search and find webpages that answer those questions.   While reading the answers, you will have more questions so you will do another search.

    Before long you will have learned much and will be able to create your own work sheets to tests your child's knowledge, if you think tests are necessary.

    We usually know when our son has learned something because he will discuss it and/or use it in everyday conversation and life.

  5. try

  6. You'll probably find you need to spend a little, it can be cheap to homeschool, but rarely free.  

    You can buy used textbooks and answer keys.  You can also use open courses on-line that include answers, such as

    You can also do things that don't actually need an answer key, for example, you can assign research reports on topics you want to study, you can get books at the library that have answers in the back (such as some math books).  

    But when all is said and done, you may need to shell out a little bit of money now and then.

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