
I am trying to identify a common garden plant. It looks similar to a red pansy. What is it?

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Looks like a red pansy without the yellow in the middle when in full bloom. And the flowers are not as flat as on a pansy. As times goes on the flowers tend to bunch up a bit and sometimes a brown ring will appear on each leaf. The flowers are about the same size as on a pansy plant and I see it everywhere (usually in the garden) in California. I only seen the plant with red flowers.




  1. I have no idea what it could be.  I'd suggest that you walk around your neighborhood until you see this plant, then ring the doorbell and ask the people who live there what it is.    

  2. Possibly a small geranium? If you take a look at this photo     you will see there are rings on each leaf. It would help a lot if you could add a photo to your description above. But in the mean time, I'll keep thinking...

    EDIT: Maybe you are thinking of red, wax begonias. Take a look at these photos:

    Common wax begonias would fit your additional description better. They are many different kinds of begonias. But the most common ones are bought in flats (trays) at a nursery--almost any nursery. The red ones are more of a medium orange/red with yellow centers. Too, they grow rather short in height, like pansies, to maybe 6-10 inches. The leaves are grass green, kinda shiny like they've been waxed (thus, the name) and the leaves are rather thick, and more round than slender. Also, the leaves tend to curl a bit and have a very thin, red trim around the jagged edges.

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