
I am trying to ignore a copycat at work but so hard to ignore her. Help!

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She copies the way I talke and act and butts in every conversation I'm in... How can I ignore it? How can I let it go and not bug me? Thanks!




  1. / When she comes up to your conversation, turn your back to her and block her view, then tell the person you are talking with, that you will tell them the rest later.  Then, leave without looking at the copycat.

    As annoying as it sounds, it could be that she looks up to you, and wants to be you.

  2. Try avoiding her and completely ignoring her. To ignore her, don't...

    *Talk to her.

    *Stay silent when she butts in, then continue your conversation like she never butted in when she stops.

    Also, you could tell her what she's doing and tell her it bothers you very much. If the woman persists, just let it go and pretend she doesn't exist. I know it's hard, but its possible!

    Nicoleta ♥

  3. not to be rub, but are you just a kid or something? Look if it bugs you tell the witch to knock it off. Be up fort and Blunt with her. There no need to tip toe around it and if your to scared to stand up to her, go to your boss and tell them you have a childish problem with a co-worker. I mean come on Copy-cat is a problem? Really now if that bugs you your going to be really pissed when a Real problem shows up. Like stocking you or trying to steal your idea's. Those are real problems to worry about. But like I said Talk to her and tell your problem like an ADULT!  

  4. haha.....if they copy you that means they like your style and want to be like you.   its a weird way of complimenting you.

    if it really bugs you just ask the perso or talk to them about it ;]

  5. If you are talking to someone and she comes along end the conversation immediatley.  Do not acknowledge her in any way.  Don't even answer her if she talks to you.  After a while she will wonder what is up.  Then in a kind way tell her she's creepy for doing that and she's freaking you out.

  6. It's a compliment...annoying as it is.  :-)

  7. oh mate give her some of her own medicine

    p**s her off!

    use all your spare time, and get in on every conversation shes in follow her around.  

  8. She has low self esteem and sees that you are liked, she wants to be liked, so she figures acting like you will get HER liked. She also is probably trying to get your attention. So whatever you do, keep this in mind.

    Start talking to her. Casual like. Somehow work into the conversation (without being obviously accusatory) that you like people most when they have different interests than you. Maybe say you love learning different things and how are you going to learn from people who know exactly what you do? She'll agree with you on this, naturally. But it will give her something to think about.

    Also work in that you hate 'fake' people (maybe complain about a phantom cousin of yours) and how they act different just to get people to like them.  

  9. When she butts in, very politely say, "Excuse me. We are having a private conversation here."

    When she copies something you said or did, say, "Not very original, are you?" Be sarcastic.

  10. walk away whenever she comes around.

    roll your eyes at her

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