
I am trying to keep my grand-fathers out of this issue of UFO, what do you say to others?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I'll bet your grandfathers know more than you think they know! If you don't want them to know about the latest reports in Texas etc. I guess you'll have to keep them from reading the newspapers. That's not right to do. It's not like they've landed in a public place and are talking to the president. I don't think you or they have anything to worry about. Just don't dwell on it. Probably being kept from the news would make them worry more than knowing what's going on.

    edit..If gold digger is right..then I totally misunderstood the meaning of your words. Sorry.

  2. watch thsi video with him;)

    u got a starting point

    a pretty solid one i should say

  3. Why are you trying to keep them off the subject, do you work for the government? LOL. Most people world wide really have not got a clue what has gone on for decades and is still going on behind closed doors.  We as in 99.99% of the population are told very very little in the truth and lots of lies, your grand fathers might just be some of those people who need to know the truth.

  4. hard to understand ur question... u mean this magazine is printing a story bout ur grandpas an u want to stop it??? talk to a lawyer... say ull sue them... im sure they could change the names or leave out ur grandpas names even if they print it...

  5. ufo's are fake. not real. make believe.

  6. God is real..Jesus is real.. and UFO's are real. Why hide from the truth ?

  7. What on earth (or farther) do  your grandfathers have to do with UFO's? You do not state that in your question. So I have no idea what you want to know how to handle what you want to say or accomplish with others. Please complete the question.

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