
I am trying to lower my cholesterol. Will Soya Lecithin help?

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to reduce cholesterol




  1. Possibly but you'd be better off spending your money on fresh fruit, vegetables and porridge oats which all contain soluble fibre which helps in reducing cholesterol and limit you intake of eggs to about 2 max. per week or don't eat the yolks.

  2. I've voted in favour of quite a few answers given already...many things will hopefully help reduce your cholesterol(I'm trying to get mine down due to a medical condition)but I'm 10+(it should be 3.5 ish at it's lowest)

    Porridge Oats, Beetroot, Onion, Garlic, Fruit and Veg, Green Tea and so on...lots of things you can incorporate into your diet. Lecithin can be used and will as far as I can see do no harm. Everything in moderation and a as wide a variety as possible of food hopefully will mean you can do it naturally.

  3. I'm not sure only I was put on statins and didn't like taking them so I choose to take omega3 and my cholesterol has been fine.

  4. cheerios can

  5. Low fat diet will work.

  6. no

  7. Lowering cholesterol can be effectively done with certain herbal teas.Reduce sugar and animal fat right down,Veg and fruit help a lot.Take strong vit c and B with a good multi and in 2 weeks it will show a decent fall.Anything which cleanses is good.Lecithin yes is good,but unnecessary as it's so easy to lower cholesterol.Lemons in your water,green tea,sage and thyme tea.Fennel.peppermint.It's lifestyle change.Jog twice per week 5k each time,not fast.The bloodstream will wake up and start pumping and throwing out the cholesterol.Stand upside down 5mins twice per week

  8. It helps some people. But as a general matter, you don't need supplements to lower cholesterol. You just need to eat more green vegetables and fish.  

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