
I am trying to make a turbo yugioh deck but i dont know which one to make.?

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Can somebody tell me a good turbo deck to make?




  1. Sorosh Saberian

    Monsters: 21

    3 Dark Armed Dragon

    3 Destiny Hero – Plasma

    3 Dark Grepher

    2 The Dark Creator

    1 Jinzo

    2 Phantom of Chaos

    1 D.D. Crow

    1 Snipe Hunter

    2 Destiny Hero – Malicious

    1 Destiny Hero – Disk Commander

    1 Dark Magician of Chaos

    1 Elemental Hero Stratos

    Spells: 16

    3 Destiny Draw

    3 Trade-In

    2 Allure of Darkness

    2 Reinforcement of the Army

    2 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Brain Control

    Traps: 4

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    1 Crush Card Virus

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Mind Crush

    Side Deck:

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Dust Tornado

    2 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

    2 Legendary Jujitsu Master

    2 Royal Decree

    2 Prohibition

    2 Threatening Roar

    1 D.D. Crow

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