
I am trying to make my painted woodworks look stained without stripping any suggestions

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I am trying to make my painted woodworks look stained without stripping any suggestions




  1. Zar wood

  2. Try a deep paint color with a lighter glazed paint "dragged" over it after dry. Or, perhaps the other way around - a light paint with a dark glaze wiped over it. Depends on the look you're going for. Good luck - LT

  3. yea ... best go to a paint store for advice, and take one of your 'woodworks' with you. Dont waste your time at Home Depot or Lowes, they wont know...

    Go to a place that sells the best paint and if you dont like what you hear at the first , go to another.

    You must be able to tell them what kind of paint/finish is already on the woodwork for compatability(latex or oil...)

  4. Gel stain and a comb, or a nylon scrubbie.  Easy. Paint stain on, drag comb or scrubbie over the gel.

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