
I am trying to "breed" pill bugs.?

by  |  earlier

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I want to breed pill-bugs.But I dont know how.Can someone tell me, 1:How they mate

2:When is they're mating season(if they have one)

3:In what kind of environment do they mate in?





  1. pill bugs will be very hard to breed they need a very moist environment with lots of decomposing organic matter like leaves and grass.They like cool damp,areas and this is hard to regulate also if to wet they drown and not wet enough they dry out.Try an aquarium with lots of peat moss and wood chips in the basement cool and dark look for your starting colony outside under old boards or leaf piles that have sat all winter good luck

  2. Environment -

    cool, damp, dark and has something to hide in like under a rock

    Food -

    fruits and plants that are almost rotten and sometimes egg shells or other dead insects

    Mate -

    late spring and early autumn, under a rock or in their nest (lots of dead leaves)

    no idea how they mate because i can't tell when are they mating =.=... and not interested at how they mate

    (experience with slaters which looks like pill bugs... not quite sure if they're the same though)

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