
I am trying to set stone around a steel fire ring. i could use some tips?

by Guest56414  |  earlier

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I am trying to set stone around a steel fire ring. i could use some tips?




  1. What kind of tips?  Is the ring above ground or below ground?  If it's above, try to find some stones that are slightly higher then the lip of the ring.  Fit them tightly if possible, and try to distribute color around the circle.  If you can, cut the grass back from the ring several feet.  Otherwise the grass will grow between the rocks and be a pain to keep neat.  Hope this helps.

  2. Well, how big is it?  How tall?  and What size stone are you working with?  hehehe... youve not given us much to go on here.

    If its a pit, you'd do it one way... ground level, another... etc.

    You could look up how to lay a patio, pavers, bricks etc.... and get a good idea of how you should do the stone, if its at ground level, or close to it.

    An inch of sand (compacted) makes a good base for pavers and stones.  Then you can fill in between them with more sand.  I'd lay down a good ground barrier first to help keep grass and weeds from growing up thru it, heheh.

    If this is at or near ground level, you might find you'd need to remove a little top soil, to get the top of the stone work flush with the ring, or just over its lip.

    A lot of this type of a project is as much 'artwork' as it is anything else.... it helps to have a good eye for the layout, and in this case, stones.  Use a 4ft level to help keep them on a fairly even surface, and a mallet to tap the stones to help 'set' them into the sand.

    By the way... did you check your local firecodes first?  If not, I'd suggest doing that before going any further... you might get it all done, only to find you'd be forced to move another three feet, hehehe.

    Good Luck

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