
I am turning 13 and need some cool birthday games to do with like 50 people? Thanks!!!?

by Guest61022  |  earlier

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Both boys and girls are invited! I am a big sports player!




  1. dude. i dont think i even knew 50 people when i was 13. LOL.

  2. Have music and somewhere to dance.

    There's always like truth or dare or board games like apples to apples. Maybe like a bunch of different games just have them spin around 10 times and then throw them a tennis ball and they try to hit it with a baseball bat it's really funny.

  3. A pool party is one idea.

    You could set up a few volleyball nets and make teams (just because you have 50 people doesn't mean all will play at once)

  4. there pool partys volly ball baseball for guys softball for girls \

    go to like a court or a park

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