
I am turning 18 is it a good time to start flying to become an airline pilot?

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I am turning 18 soon and its a good time to start right?? my dream is to fly big planes across oceans and countries and see the world.




  1. hey i have the same dream but i want to be a fighter pilot and i think u should start wen u are ready----the earlier the better

  2. You could've started at 16. It's very expensive, something like $70/hr for about 40 hrs to get your private pilots license and there are alot more ratings to get after that. You have to be fairly wealthy to pay for all that, or very, very determined and patient. The other option may be to get a degree, have very good grades, and then join the Air Force and hope you make the cut to become a pilot with them.

  3. Yes it is. I'm 18 as well. When I was younger, at age 12, its always been a dream for me to get my private pilot's license and fly wherever I wanted, when I wanted. 18 years is a perfect time!

  4. You need to do something if you are done with High School. I started when I was 18. You will need a 4 year degree. You might as well get your degree and fly at the same time.

  5. 18 isn't too old, actually, u need to be at least 21 to work at most regional and major airlines. i think that 18 is perfect because you can get your

    -student license

    -private pilot license

    -commercial license

    you can get one after another. But you can also go to flight training schools, like some of the schools on this site

    most airlines will require multi-engine and instrument ratings. You can get them by yourselfe, step by step, or go to the schools and get all the ratings and licenses you need! Also if you go to a flight school, some of the popular schools, will get you an interview at an airline that hiring.

    Well, thats all i found and know, best wishes and hope to see you  one day, if possible- email me if u want/need more info!!!

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