
I am turning nineteen and would like to know your opinion...?

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I am turning nineteen on April 20th and was wondering:

1. Where should I eat for breakfast that day?

2. What is an event that I should do that day?

3. What restaurant should I eat at? I am thinking the usual red lobster to get shrimp scampi and popcorn shrimp but if anyone can persuade me different please do.

4. What should I wish for when I blow out the candles?

5. What should I ask for that is under $50?

6. What kind of dessert should I have for my birthday?

7. If I could go to one site close by to where I live where should I go that day?

a: museum

b: a local ice cream parlor

c: to a waterpark

d: the mall

If you have an idea where should I go in NW Ohio?

8. Where should I open my presents with both my family and friends?




  1. 1. Green eggs and ham.

    2. Streaking.

    3. Somewhere with red meat. Lots of it. Animals are tasty.

    4. To develop your own opinions of what you should do.

    5. Lap dances.

    6. Anything with chocolate.

    7. To a waterpark. If you streak at the waterpark, this takes care of 2 and 7.

    8. Underwater at the waterpark while streaking.

  2. The Best of everything after all you are a Taurus in my opinion the best of the best in the zodiac

  3. the best advice I could give someone turning 19 is, not to plan it and to just enjoy it. As you get older, the rest of your life will be planned and structured. Until then, enjoy the fact that you have the freedom to even ask these questions, realize that you don't need an answer and enjoy the day rather then planning it. Happy Birthday

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