
I am undecided it is my 3 third year in college! Tips!?

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I know that probably was time for me to graduate however things like my english level(My english needs to get better I am still working on it specially pronounciation and that fact that I am undecided have delayed such thing. I am 20 years old and Billingual.

. What would your recommendations be for someone that likes to be well informed (when I go to the computer instead of going to social networks like my friends i like to go to news places Reuters,Google News etc,sometimes instead of listening to music I turn my radio to news channels).Additionally I like history it really entertains me .I like politics too I always read articles about politics.I liked having a big vocabulary and know new words.Sometimes think that a politician will be good or maybe a journalist.I also like writting a lot I send a lot of text messages to my friends describing things or telling them news. what do you think? Tips,comments and complain are welcome!




  1. Like Neniaf, I feel that Communications would be a great major for someone like you.  This field has so many job prospects.  Since it is not a well defined major, like say, Biology, you can easily apply what you learn in your courses to many different job settings.  Otherwise, you could major in Political Science if you really enjoy that, and then get a Masters in Communications and you could do PR work for candidates or something.

    My instructor of communication studies had her Bachelors Degree in American Government and Masters Degree in Communications.  She was teaching 3 classes at the university, a recruiter at another college, and working the weekends at a place that called registered democrats to inform them about the candidates and remind them to vote.  She loves her jobs!

  2. I think you have to choose for yourself.

  3. Quit school and get a job.

    After you have worked for a few years you will have a better handle on what you want to do and will be able to study for a result other than running up huge amounts of debt.

    You will find it easy to move into banking or finance with your language skills.

  4. Not all schools offer all programs, but it seems to me that either political science, journalism, or communications might be good choices.  You really do need to pick something now if you ever want to finish.  Don't agonize over picking the right major.  It is better to be a college graduate than to spend years in the most perfect of majors without graduating!

  5. Follw your passion. 20 years from now, it is unlikely that you will be working in a field even CLOSE to your degree.

    I worked in the printing and allied trades (hourly) after getting my MA rather than do the suit and tie thing from 9-5. I am now a senior administrator in a start-up operation, with NO relation to my BA degree (or my MA).

    Pick a major, and finish it. If you become an Econ major it does not stop you from writing, or being a politician. I think that there are politicians who have degrees in theology, econ, psych, soc, geology, math, drama... etc.

    my advice is just focus for a couple of years on whatever it is you find is your passion. Life will take you where it ill.....

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