
I am under us government surveillance/harassment 24/7, what country should I go to

by  |  earlier

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I have factual evidence. Please this is real!




  1. if you're under government surveillance 24/7 how would they let you type this message???

  2. MEHICO!!!!!


    Mexico, then Cuba?


    OO or Russia =]

  3. You might be suffering from dilutions of grandeur.  

  4. Go to Romania. The government doesn't give a **** about anyone here!

  5. Wow, I deduce you are in your early 20's and note you have asked this question numerous times. You mentioned you had been taking meds, I also deduce you were taking antidepressants, which are the wrong meds.  I believe you are exhibiting early signs of schizophrenia, early adulthood is typical for the onset of schizophrenia.

    You don't provide a rational basis for why you are under government surveillance 24/7, so it's highly improbable you are under surveillance, it takes a lot of manpower and other expenses to do the type of government stuff you claim.

    You really need to get under better psychiatric care, a proper diagnosis  and correct medication.  Anti psychotic drugs have numerous side effects, but you could greatly benefit under good care.

    I noticed at least one person has given you a similiar answer that I provided, yet you did not choose that as a best answer. Moving WILL NOT help you. You'll determine you are being spied on  WHEREVER you go.

    BTW, it would  be delusions, not dilutions

  6. Cuba

  7. London

  8. If you are under constant surveilance, there is not much chance that you can get to another country without the government knowing about it

  9. Mrs. McCain,please stop asking silly questions here. Thank You.

  10. What have you done to be watched by the government?

  11. Sad but Big Brother is always watching.

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