
I am using Windows XP. She is using Vista. We share the router/ internet. She keeps getting knocked off..?

by  |  earlier

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what can we do to prevent this from happening again? My computer was first (lets call it XP, hers we'll call Vista) I bought xp from her. then she bought vista. She can connect SOMETIMES using vista. if XP logs on, it boots her off automatically. So really, we cant be on-line at the same time which makes no sense having 2 computers and wireless if we cant be on at the same time. We are using net-gear router if that helps at all. What can we do so we stop fighting over the internet?




  1. Sounds to me like the xp was the original domain owner and is takin control when it's on.You should take out the connection and reinstall it as a shared connection,rather than a primary on the xp.Use a password that both pc's will share to connect on.If 1 is hardwired and the other is wireless,you may have those settings blocked on the wired computer which by the sound of it is xp.

  2. As much as I would like to blame Vista (and believe me, it is usually at fault), I'd bet that the router is confused about who's talking to it.

    Have you power-cycled the Net-Gear?  Is that model known to perform NAT for a local network to the Internet?

  3. Make sure that both your computers are set up to let the router automatically assign each computer their own IPs. If both computer were set up to run on the same static IP, this could be the source of the problem.

  4. wipe hard drive vista free and install xp

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