
I am utterly... clueless.?

by  |  earlier

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one in hundreds of girls become an actress... and i really need to be one! i am seriously not good at anything else! i can't do math, i can't paint, i can't sing! i can't do anything! so how am i supposed to get this career if the odds are against me? ;(




  1. Well, if your heart's set on acting, go for it!!!

    I'm positive that you can become an actress if you get the right experience!!! I want to be a Broadway star, and I know the odds are against me, but i do TONS of plays, (of course not proffesionaly) and when the day comes that you're auditioning, the judges will see that you have the experience taken. If you don't make it, try again. Keep trying until you do! You'll be sure to get into something!

    Good luck

    O, PS: Do you have any really odd talents and skills? Acting takes a lot of those like horseback riding, tap dancing, or maybe even painting your nails could come in handy at some point :) ANYTHING will.

  2. well most new actresses your age are required to be a triple threat. There are MANY other job opportunities besides acting like you obviously know how to use a computer.

    if you insist on acting here is my steps

    1. training- at least 3yr. ballet , hip-hop dance, pop vocal, film classes

    2 in about 5 yrs. begin student films

    3 get a head shot

    4. then an agent

    5 never stop training

    6 commercials

    7 extra

    8 secondary actor (you at least say stuff)

    9 star ( one of the main characters)

    10. never stop learning and training

    you have a very long rode ahead of you there for i recommend getting another job. never give up

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