
I am very Stressed Frustrated, and angry. Help please ?

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I am stressed because of school, I'm sick of it. I am in general just very frustrated. I am angry because I am extremely bored (I know it sounds silly, but it's true) Everything that I own I have either watched or done before, So now I'm bored.

I am getting mad at the smallest things for example. A typing error.

I am getting so mad that I am getting a panic attack. Does anyone have any suggestions of something I could do to take my mind of of everything and calm down, because I am getting to the point that I just want to explode.




  1. s*x

    just kidding maybe you should talk to someone a therapist or someone that you're close to sometimes it helps to vent

    or do something for yourself if you can afford to- spa-vacation-indulge in some ice cream- take a break from whatever is stressing you out and go back to it at another time if you're feeling overwhelmed

  2. High energy or fuel in your  body burning mad. Run it out or sweat it away. Cool the system by draining the high energy built up or it may explode.

  3. Calm down, I have error too,when i typing.My english grammar wasn't so good though,not everyone is perfect.

    I suggest you go and hang out with some of your close friends , I do that often or you can do some yoga too ;O

  4. ya need a gud shagg init luv

  5. Have you considered a hobby? Extracurricular activity at school? Going to the public library? Does your local grocery store have REDBOX? It's a  box at the front of the store that has movies to rent for a dollar a night. Get however many movies you want and they are only a dollar.  You could use that to take up some time! How are you doing in school? If you're stressed, maybe you should actually apply yourself to your schoolwork a little more?  

  6. you couldn't have done it all. find a new and different activity something that isn't common( but safe ... no drugs please). If your not involved in physical activity get involved when you feel like that put on your running shoes and run out the anger. Ask your self , how do you wake up in the morning ? If you wake up saying how bored and frustrated you are and continue that all day. You will be overwhelmingly bored and frustrated. Start the day out on a positive not even if you don't feel good. Smile for no reason at all and alot of things will change.

  7. Music is the greatest thing in the world. You are never to old to start playing. You can do this hobby until you die litterally. You can express all of your emotions through it. And you will never stop learning in it. So my advice is to pick up an instrument. Any instrument.

  8. breath in...breath out. breath in...breath out. feeling better? relax. try to do something funny and retarded during your boring eras. entertain yourself by random funnessness.

  9. explode?wow for no reason at all how sadd  

  10. Just sit back and relax. Throw away your anger before it kills you. There's no need to waste time being angry while other people can manage their own problems. Just look around you. There are more people out there who are not so fortunate compared to whatever problem you are facing right now. Everybody hurts, everybody cries, etc.

  11. Yikes!  This sounds really yucky!!

    First, go drink a big glass of water, right now - before you even read the rest of this - go, now, big glass, water only.

    Now that you've had your water, you need to turn off the computer, go to a private quiet room with a comfortable floor or to your bed, and do slow gentle stretches and take really long, slow, deep breaths.  After several minutes, you should feel your body relaxing and your breath naturally deepening and be able to "get into" this process.   Try to not think about anything but how your body feels while you are doing this.

    After a half hour or so of stretching, go take a hot bath or shower, put on some comfy jammies and get into bed.

    It actually sounds like you are hormonal...If you have some St. Johns Wort or Evening Primrose around, now is a good time to take it.  Mint or chamomile tea might also help.

    In general during the day you might want to try to avoid caffiene, sugar and junk food and be sure to drink plenty of water.

  12. whana talk on the phone

  13. Are you in HS or college?


  15. It sounds like you need a more challenging school.  My daughter gets frustrated too because she's super smart and bored.  Ask your teachers for more advanced to your parents.

  16. I relate entirely to this presently. MY case is not as extreme but I am extremly bored with life. WHERE AM I GOING, WHAT AM I DOING. THERES NOTHING LEFT OT DO. I have tackled this by just rambling to my friends and taking walks and I walk to an empty oval and I jsut lye there and sometimes I listen to music, you know, songs that make me think. I also joined a gym just because I ahve nothing else to do and it will have benefits IM HOPING.

    Get away. The best feeling is going for a walk and knowing that no one knows where you are.

  17. well if you finish your school work, that should fix your stress and your boredom. I know homework is boring, but its better than doing nothing, and you are stress free! uhh frustration...  i think you should meditate or get a massage. or listen to good music.  

  18. well for one thing you just need to calm down go find something to take the edge of i have karate and i am way calmer find something yoga or anythign like that and at school if its kids ignore them and if your teacher gives you an assignment make it your own make about somethgin you like and about the whole anger isue i think that you just need to do what i just said and about the bored thing yo ucannot be bored so long yo ufind something to do so i say that you should take your games to a game Crazy and by a new one or go somewhere and just hang out go find something alright  you are only bored when you are to lazy to do anything and befor yo uFreak out calm Down Breath.

  19. there is a pressure point between your pointer finger and your thumb and it's just a calmer. I use it when i'm getting nervous for a test or i'm getting frustrated because of work. Just take your thumb from your other hand and apply pressure between those two fingers.

  20. try starting a journal. You can write about your frustration and anger.

    Also you could write make believe stories :)

  21. Go to the gym!!

  22. I've had those days, weeks, and months. Sometimes the course load and stress of keeping up gets to your head, and you have a very limited outlet for your frustration, due to your confinement because of your studies. It sucks. Take a nap, write in a slam book/journal, for now. But you really need a small vacation or distraction to get away from your stress. Even a small trip to a relatives house, or a nice day on the beach will do. As long as you don't think about your problems. Collect yourself, then brace yourself, and hopefully you'll be able to cope with everything. Good luck!

  23. Lisa girl i understand exactly how you feel i went through the same thing while in nursing school  i was total *****. Something that really help me with my frustation was Salsa music, yea listen to it and dance a little this will really make you feel good. Another thing maybe watch a sad but i mean very sad movie about people less fortunate than you and this will make you appreciate things that you have right now like the blessing of going to school and you will realize how lucky you really are. good luck let me know if it helps.

  24. Read a book? Play video games? Go outside?

    If all else fails, take pills. Be careful not to do a Heath Ledger though.

  25. It happens to me all the time.

    It is a sign that you should complete the task if you can, up to 12 hours or more for me;  or take a break, but come back even if tired.  the goal is to get it done, and over with.  Even if it takes 5 years!

    You still need variety, and TOTAL time off, such as a half day or a day.

  26. YOU ARE TAKING LIFE WAY TO SERIOS GIRL, WHAT ARE YOU REALLY MAD ABOUT?Remember you Education is for you anything you learn makes you more intelligent, yes take a deep breath and change the way you think,you give yourself panic attacks,pick classes you like and do something fun to. its all about your future. think about it, you are in control of everything you think and can make it fun and be someone. But if your super smart help someone else to be like you. Happy

  27. chill out, and take a walk or something.

  28. Boredome usually means you are not being challenges intellectually.  It may be too easy.  Take A community college class or 2. It will help

  29. you can meditate....or medicate.. just a suggestion.  

  30. I am frustrated myself sometimes. Sometimes my brother makes me so angry. Sometimes I sit and cry for a long time( if really frustrated don't cry you'll get a headache). That helps sometimes. About school.... what actually brothers you? Don't you have any friends? And about being bored. I also hate being bored. What i do is......Talk to someone (don't mean - for advice. just chat.) . About anything. i can't advice you about school cause i'm only going to start school. Yes, my brother has the same problem about old things - "nothing I haven;t done". Yoga helps a lot, (don't think that's stupid - or I'm stupid) it works. Do some breathing for about five minutes straight. If you want you can meditate - meaning..... think about what makes you angry, if it's silly understand that ( I often have a hard time accepting my mistakes). I'm telling you through experience (not my own) if your frustrated DON'T TALK unless asked to. I get so angry sometimes that if i open my mouth - i talk so rudely. And if you don't like school because of your grades or your mean teacher  - take it as a challenge, then without knowing how you'll get through well. Once again never EXPLODE it causes nothing but more trouble, frustration, anger and a very bad impression.

    Oh, and i mean i'm only starting school here. I'm going to 8th

  31. Smile, even just fake smiling helps me.

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